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1 Translation result for trade-off in Spanish


unfavorite favorite
contrapeso, balance; intercambio; compromiso

Example sentences of

  • The jeep's lack of interior comfort is a trade-off for it's stellar off-road performance.

trade noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
oficio, profesión, ocupación; comercio, industria; intercambio, canje

Example sentences of
trade noun

  • They discussed the trade between the two countries.
  • Trade accounts for half of our gross national product.
  • The Tigers made a few good trades this season and picked up some promising players.

off adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
más remoto, distante; empezado; apagado; cancelado, suspendido; erróneo, incorrecto; remoto, lejano; libre

Example sentences of
off adjective

  • The water is off.
  • The lever is in the off position.

Synonyms of
off adjective

Reverse translation for trade-off